Editorial Team

Physics, Astrophysics & Astronomy

Physics and Astrophysics

Editor In Chief

Associate Prof. Dr. B. Nikouravan
Founder of Hyperscience International Journal(HIJ)
1-Theoretical Astrophysics Department, IPS, Mumbai, India
2-Physics Department, University Malaya, KL, Malaysia
3-Physics Department, IAU, Tehran, Iran
[email protected]
[email protected]

Prof. Dr. J. J. Rawal
Founder President of The Indian Planetary Society (IPS)
Theoretical Astrophysics Department, IPS, Mumbai, India.
[email protected]

Prof. Dr. Abdul Kariem Arof
Professor Emeritus & HOD Physics Department, University Malaya, KL, Malaysia
[email protected]

Prof. Dr. Z.Z.Abedin,
Head of Astrophysics Group, Physics Department, University Malaya, KL, Malaysia
[email protected]

Associate Prof. Dr. M. Kazem Salem
Department of Physics, Plasma Physics Research Center
Science & Research Campus, IAU, Tehran, Iran
[email protected]
[email protected]


Professor Mihir J. Joshi,
Head of Physics Department, Saurashtra University, Rajkot, Gujarat.
Google Scholar


Prof. Dr. Michel L. Lapidus
Editor-in-chief of Journal of Fractal Geometry
(European Mathematical Society)
University of California, Riverside, USA
[email protected]

Prof. Dr. Takahisa Okino
Applied Mathematics Engineering, Oita University, Japan

Prof M.Najafikhah

Prof. Dr. M.Najafikhah
Department of Pure Mathematics and Computer Sciences,
School of Mathematics, IUST, Tehran, Iran
[email protected] 
http://webpages.iust.ac.ir/m nadjafikhah

Associate Prof. Dr. Ali Safdari
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematical and Computer Sciences,
Allameh Tabataba’i University (ATU), Tehran, Iran.
[email protected]

Engineering & Computer Science

Dr. Malik Idries Adam
Independent Researcher and Educator.‎
Reviewer for Condensed Matter Physics, Engineering Vibrations,
Interdisciplinary Research in ‎Matter Physics and Engineering ‎
[email protected]
Google Scholar

Professor Deven Shah
Vice Principal, Thakur College of Engineering, Mumbai, India
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Associate Prof. Dr. Payam Soltani
School of Engineering and the Built Environment
Birmingham City University, City Centre Campus
Millennium Point, Birmingham B4 7XG, United Kingdom (UK)
[email protected] 


Assistant Prof. Dr. Iman Attarzadeh
Department of Computer Engineering,
IAU, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
[email protected]
[email protected]

Assistant Prof.Dr. R.Sharifi
Geology and Soil Conservation and Watershed
Management Research Department, Iran
[email protected]