Alternative Cosmology: ΛCDM-Like Predictions Today
Cosmology, double universe theory, dark energy, Hubble constant, , Planck, quantum mechanicsAbstract
The theory of quantum mechanics and the theory of general relativity are both important with respect to the initial conditions of the universe and its evolution. In this paper, we consider the question of how these theories might interrelate through a simple and didactic cosmological alternative model based on the Hubble time, Planck mass flow rate, and a variable coefficient αH. In doing so, we derive the parameters obtained by the Planck 2018 results using the Planck mass flow rate and Hubble time. By introducing a double universe theory (matter and antimatter universes arising from an initial instanton (i.e., half Planck mass) state, we sketch out a general framework for unifying, in the cosmology, general relativity with quantum field theory.
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